Breastfeeding Circle at Renown Women’s Health

Breastfeeding Circle at Renown Women’s Health

Breastfeeding Circle at Renown Women’s Health
  • Tuesday, Apr 08, 2025
  • 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
  • Free
  • Renown Women’s Health – 3rd Floor

RSVP Not Required


This class is for babies of ANY age!

Breastfeeding Circle Gatherings are a great place for breastfeeding moms to find support, exchange experiences, and discuss any concerns.
Popular topics include:

  • Milk supply
  • Pumping
  • Returning to work
  • Sleeping, or lack of sleep
  • Weight checks
  • Weighted feedings
  • And more!

If you need direct support, please call Breastfeeding Medicine to schedule a 1:1, in person appointment at 775-982-6365.

This gathering is FREE to join.

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